Water chemistry must be balanced before starting up The Genesis Device.
If the water is not properly balanced -The Genesis will not create Bromine.
pH Ideal range 7.2 – 7.8 test weekly
Alkalinity Ideal range 80 - 120 ppm test monthly
Calcium Hardness Ideal range 80 – 150 ppm test yearly
TDS – Total Dissolved Solids
Ideal range before adding Tru-Blu 200 – 500 ppm
Ideal range after Tru-Blu has been added 1700 – 2300 ppm
Phosphates – level should be less than 100ppb
Follow the label instructions based on your tub size
We recommend Biolab, Leisure Time, and Blue Wave products.
See your local pool and spa dealer
Adjusting your pH:
If pH is low (below 7.2) raise by using a base baking soda or soda ash product
If pH is high (above 7.6) lower by using a muriatic acid or sodium bisulfate product
Adjusting your Alkalinity:
If Alkalinity is low (below 80) add baking soda product
If Alkalinity is high (above 120) add sodium bisulfate product
Adjusting your Calcium Hardness:
If Calcium is low (below 80) add a calcium chloride product
If Calcium is high (above 150) partially drain the tub and refill with fresh water
Adjusting your TDS – Total Dissolved Solids:
Total Dissolved Solids are a combination of metals, minerals and other organic materials in your water. If your spa has been filled with well water or with water from a non-municipal source, additional chemicals to remove metals and or chemical contaminants may need to be added to your water. TDS can be tested with a meter, test strip, or by taking a water sample to your local pool and spa dealer.
Phosphate contamination
Phosphates are contaminants that come from products such as fertilizer, soap, shampoo, lotion, and perfume. Phosphates can be tested with a strip or by taking a water sample to your local pool and spa dealer.
*Some spa chemicals such as spa filter cleaners and salt water softeners contain
Phosphates and should not be used.